Amazing!! On May 16th I was able to attend the book signing and discussion promoting The Host. I nearly didn't make it, since I was halfway to Salt Lake and realized I had forgotten my ticket to the event. My dear husband drove up to meet me and give me the ticket so I could go. Without him, I would have been completely out of luck. I still owe you, honey.
I was going to find a transcription of the questions and answers, but I found instead a video of the entire discussion here. That's much better than a dry collection of text. Thanks, Geo! Nice work.
Be careful, if you haven't yet finished The Host: That video contains plot spoilers.
My pictures of Stephenie:
After the twenty-minute discussion, the line formed. One section at a time, the rows and rows and rows of people were allowed to get in a line to go up to the stage and get their books signed.
It took about four hours for my section to reach the stage.
When I finally reached Stephenie, I am pleased to say I was eloquent and charming.
I wish that were true. I choked and didn't speak for a bit. Then I said something like, "I really enjoyed The Host. It is edifying and lovely."
She said, "I'm really proud of it. It's my favorite work. I think my writing skill has hugely improved."
I was going to say, "It's a pleasure to read," but I didn't get the last two words out before I was shoved aside by the girl behind me. Not rudely; we were all being rushed through the line, and each had only a few seconds to talk to her. I was probably the 900th person to reach her, and she was clearly tired and the line was still quite long. She was, as promised, going through Sharpies at an alarming rate.
My favorite part of the discussion was her response to the question about whether or not she had experienced the deep love she writes about in her books. She said she could not have written about it before she had children.
My next favorite part was using the word "edifying" to Stephenie Meyer.
I can't help it. I love words and love finding the perfect descriptive word. And I'm glad I didn't stumble over it when it mattered.
The Host is truly edifying, and it occupies a place of honor on my bookshelf. And it's now signed and personalized to me from the author. I also had my tattered and creased copy of Twilight signed, the first one I read, the one I've read multiple times now. Amazing.
PS - I know I'm far behind in my posts. I'm catching up. More to come, soon!