Friday, January 23, 2009

How Not to Breastfeed

When Elizabeth was an infant, she would not latch on. It's a problem I probably could have handled with enough support and help, but I didn't have it then. Being a brand-new mother, I had so much going on already that I was unable to get the help I needed to breastfeed my baby.

So, I pumped. Exclusively. For nine months. Several times a day I sat down with my pump and bottles, and this was my routine while my baby thrived and grew.

The problem was, I used a manual pump. It killed my wrist. I finally had it looked at yesterday.  The doctor attempted to drain the protruding lump with a fat needle, and though he wasn't able to get out as much of the tough gelatinous stuff as he hoped, it feels much better.

Here is my wrist today:

It looks dramatic, but honestly, this is the least painful it's been in a long time.


Telsha Winger & fam said...

That's awful! I had a cist on my wrist for awhile but it never got that big. So is it swollen from having it drained or is that how it normally is? You are the woman. Isn't it amazing what we would do for our little ones without a second thought. I tried pumping for a few weeks with Skylee on one side because I had a cut and couldn't nurse on that side. I eventually lost all my milk on that side and nursed exclusively on one side. It was hard pumping everyday. I can't imagine for 9 months! Man, that looks painful!

jenn said...

It's bruised from the procedure, so it looks worse for that, but it's actually smaller now than it was before.

And pumping is tough! I'm amazed by all the women who do it. It must not have been easy to be lopsided for a while. Good for you, Telsha. :)

Linds said...

that looks horrendous! I never noticed that about your wrist though in case that makes you feel any better! I have a great pump... an electric medela pump in style and there are quite a few times when I actually prefer to pump rather than breastfeed!

And as far as still having one more appointment... yeah, and we've still got one more payment to give you too! :) I'm not too concerned about the appointment, really... but you are welcome to stop by for a visit any time!

I like this background better than the hot pink :)

Anonymous said...

How long have you had this bump?? I never noticed it before, and I thought I am very observent. Will you be going back in for more draining? Did the Dr give you anything to take for it? Did you get it from pumping or is this a more recent development?
I'm sorry about the manual pump, when we got it they did not have any electric ones available, so we got the manual one during an emergency reaction.
Don't forget, you did the best you knew how. Elizabeth did not cooperate, but, given all that, she and you did well. Better than I would have. I would have given up, even on pumping. You did a great job - and stuck it out giving your baby the best great start and did not resort to formula. you are my daughter and I am very proud of you
Love you

Missy said...

OUCH. I agree. Poor Mom, lucky baby. I had a similar thingy in the inside of the joint of my middle finger on my pumping hand. I only pumped for a couple of months before my body said, "forget this, man." So insane. I hope things keep getting better!