Monday, December 22, 2008

Final words

I haven't said one public word about Prop 8, and I stand by that.

I felt fine sharing that Onion article, because no matter your stance, you can't help but laugh at it, right?

...Unless you don't bother to read it. Within hours of posting the article, I received this insightful comment:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Worth repeating":

the mormom church needs to butt out of this fight in CALIFORNIA NOT UTAH and respect separation of church and state. then again any institution that adhered to the crazy principles it first did, go figure....let's have 400 wives and 5000 babies! talk about loving one another......

they only want people to have LOVE the way they dictate.

shameful. illegal. misogynist to the max.

I don't know that I have anything more to add. My wonderful husband once wisely said that "If you act like a grown-up, it will be clear who the 14-year-olds are." So I will bite my tongue.

But I can't help laughing at this, especially in light of what my post actually said, the fact that I am a "Mormom" (that also made me laugh), and the inclusion of a new catchphrase ("misogynist to the max").

If there had been any hope that I would talk about this issue publicly, it's been dashed. There is no such thing as an intelligent exchange of ideas regarding Prop 8.

At least being a Mormom doesn't prevent me from approving of marriage between one man and one wolfman.


Crazy Herb Girl said...

It's interesting getting attacked on your own blog, isn't it? I also find it interesting that the people who leave comments that attack, are usually too cowardly to attach their name. I thought your post was funny and Kent and I laughed about it last night. Good thing I got married before the whole typo thing!

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud when I read your Onion article. Amazing how some people can have an 'opinion' without comprehension. The article was funny. Your comments about the response is also good. Please do not let the few stop your expressions. One bad apple can spoil the barrel, but in this case, the bad apple is separated from the barrel and the rest of us just keep laughing.
Love ya