Saturday, January 5, 2008

Things I Learned From Movies in 2007

  • If you find a bag of money at the scene of a drug deal gone bad, just leave it there and walk away. Quickly.

  • If you think your neighbor's up to no good, don't break into their house.

  • Any time a shy person starts dancing on tables at a nightclub, you should know that something has gone seriously wrong. (Like the movie.)

  • You can't trust the government.

  • You can't trust your doctors, hospitals, or insurance.

  • Pain is often the result of love, but it's worth it anyway.

  • The extreme difficulties of parenthood often stir up good qualities like responsibility and devotion.

  • If you're an ex-super-secret CIA operative with amnesia, it helps if you don't forget your super-cool spy abilities.

  • Don't go to public bathhouses if there's a chance you will need to fight for your life. You might still win, but it won't be pretty. Or easy.

  • You can have a thrilling musical love affair without being disloyal to your spouse. That didn't come out right.

  • Sometimes the nice guy actually wins.

  • Don't ever underestimate what children are capable of doing or understanding.


josie said...

Here's my list (thanks for letting me use your blog for my "secret blog"):

* Stay away from Kevin Costner. And his movies.

* If you don't want to get pregnant, use precautions. Yes, it really is that simple.

* Recipe for if you are too broke to leave your abusive husband: meet a crotchety old man who has lots of money and no friends (except for you), then leaves a $200,000 check for you before he dies.

* NEVER eat the forbidden food, no matter how tempting, or you'll awaken your worst nightmare. Never. (I know it's from 2006, but still worth mentioning).

* Even whiskey-drinking polar bears can save your life.

* France IS better. Un point c'est tout.

* If you ever find yourself trying to out-swim a vicious dog that's trying to kill you, it's no use. Sorry.

* Finally, Spartans, don't let your boyfriend talk you into seeing an "historical" movie that's based on a graphic novel and uses blue-screens & CGI.

Anonymous said...

yeah, pain IS worth it anyway.

jenn said...


When did you go to the School of Oneupsmanship?


Is that you, Mom?

josie said...

I am the DEAN of the School of Oneupsmanship! (Actually, let's just say I was INSPIRED by my pretty cool sister...)